June 2023 : Green Shoulder Circle At 2d Lawland Shoulder Congress - Neederland.
Green Shoulder circle were delighted to take part in the second Lawland Shoulder Congress, which gave us the opportunity to present to our European colleagues all the little things we can do on a daily basis to limit the carbon impact of our surgical activities, as well as the care we provide during consultations
link to the video of presentation.
May 2023 : french article available on "Maitrise orthopédique".
We would like to thank the journal Maitrise Orthopédique for allowing us to present the Green Shoulder Circle concept and philosophy in a detailed article.
January 2023 : first publication for Green Shoulder Circle.
Proud of this first Green Shoulder Circle publication: how to reduce the number of anchors for a repair and couple it with reusable instrumentation.
November 11 2022- SOFCOT- What is Green Shoulder Circle
The Green Shoulder circle was proud to participate in the congress of the French Society of Orthopaedic Surgery. Thanks to Christel Conso and valérie Dumaisne who animated the sustainable development session.We were able to present the 4 pillars of the GSC philosophy, which are:
- green operating theatre attitude
- reusable instrumentation
- respect for non-surgical indications
- tailor-made surgery
October 14 2022 - TASC - Green shoulder Repair From Dax
The green Shoulder Circle team was pleased to participate in the Toulouse Arthroscopic Shoulder Course.
Dr Bruno Zipoli was able to demonstrate in his operating room how to perform a double row green repair by:
- the use of a single second row anchor.
- the use of reusable screwdriver instrumentation for Knotless anchors.
Dr Vincent Martinel joined him to moderate the surgical technique on site.
July 5 2002 - Thirst Green Shoulder Circle Webinar.
we whas very proud to moderate this first webinar.
thank you to all speakers: Vincent Martinel, Olivier Godeau, Fabrice Ferre, Sharon Abihssira, Christel Conso, Denis Clement.
link for video of part 1 :
June 04 -2022 The Green Shoulder Circle community is on Beemed
Dear colleague,
shoulder and upper limb surgeons.
We are pleased to announce that the Beemed platform is now home to the Green Shoulder circle community!
Join us to exchange ideas with other surgeons who are convinced of the need to integrate an eco-friendly attitude not only in the operating room but also in the entire care of our patients.
Follow link :
April 29 - 2022 - ESSKA 2022
Thank you to Mitek DePuy Synthes, , the first laboratory to contact the Green shoulder Circle to meet us. During the Esska 2022 congress, we were able to discuss our vision of sustainable development in the field of cuff repair surgery: developing intuitive reusable anchor instruments, changing the legislation to allow 100% recycling of single-use instrument materials, defending "custom" cuff repair, favouring fixtures with the right number of anchors.
April 25 - 2022 - The screwdriver cimetery
When you repair a cuff, your concentration is such that you only see the tendon, the wire and the anchors. All you think about is doing your best to make your patient well! But the next time you're done, look up and take a minute to look at the amount of waste that's been generated. What about all those screwdrivers? Is there any way to change that?
April 14 2022 - Val d'Isere Shoulder Course
Johannes Barth & Nicolas Bonnevialle presented for the first time in congress the Green shoulder circle !!!
March 2022 - Birth of the Green Shoulder circle!!!
The Five fathers are very proud to annonce the birth of the Greeen Shoulder Circle.
We made the trademark registration, the creation of the Youtube channel, the linkedIn account and finally the Website!!!!!